Who is designated for online training of company car drivers?

          Every company, which wants in a quick, easy and modern way fulfil their duty, which assigns § 103 zákona č. 262/ 2006 Sb. (Zákoníku práce).

We don't have trained employees, what shall we do?

        We reccommend to train them immediately. The law assigns duty to employer to train company car drivers. SkoleniRidicu-online.cz (online training of company car drivers) enables you to train your employees right after making an order.

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We have employees, which drive a company car only sometimes. Do we have to train them too?

        Yes. Every employee who uses a company car, even if sometimes, must be trained by law.

A new employee has been trained at the previous employer and the certification will expire in 6 months. Is the training valid at the present employer too?

        Yes, but it is necessary to prove when the training was realized. You have to oversee the expiration date and before the end you can smoothly come into our system SkoleniRidicu-online.cz (online training of company car drivers). Then you don't have to care about anything else - our system automatically reminds you.

We use your system of online training from March 2010, where most of our employees passed the certification test. How shall we train a newcomer? Do we have to wait until March 2011?

        No, you don't have to. You can train a newcoming employee immediately. Simply make an additional order.

How often do our employees have to take the certification test?

        once a year.

How much will our company save up compared to usual training of company car drivers?

        Savings are amounting to thousands per an employee. Managers/human resource officers don't have to worry about organising a training, employees don't loose time designated for making company's profit. Online system enables access whenever and wherever. In addition, the price of our service is usually about 50% lower than usual training.

How much time will an employee need to take the test?

        5 to 10 minutes. Time needed for the preparation for the test is individual, it usuallytakes 20 to 40 minutes.

What if an employee doesn't pass the test for the first time?

        Nothing happens. He can retry the test how many times he wants.

How long is the validity of the certification codes for employees?

        Until a succesful completing of a test, maximal 1 year.

How we can prove that our employees are regulary trained?

        With a certificate. Employees receive a plastic certification card with their name on.

How we can get information about news in traffic legislation in the easiest way?

        With regular traffic newsletters, which you get access to in our system.

How should we make the payment of service SkoleniRidicu-online.cz?

        We send you a pro-forma invoice after your order. If the service is paid, we send you a certificate and plastic cerfitication cards together with tax document - invoice.

Does online training of company car drivers fulfil all legal requirements?

        Yes. E-learning training is modern and more and more used method of educating employees. The portal SkoleniRidicu-online.cz administrates a driving school, which has authorization to train company car drivers.

How can I order your service, SkoleniRidicu-online.cz?

Order here.


Would you like to ask about anything? Call us. Contact.





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Poskytovatelem a odborným garantem služby:

Tomáš Pešek